What is Diabetes?

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is the collective term for a variety of disorders of the metabolism, whose main characteristic is the chronic Hyperglycemia (). The cause is either an impaired insulin release from the beta cells of the pancreas and / or impaired insulin action in important organs such as liver, muscle and fat. Insulin is a vital metabolic hormone that controls the carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.

Type 1 Diabetes

(About 5% of all diabetes cases)

Through the body's defense system, the insulin-producing cells are destroyed in the pancreas. It comes to an absolute insulin deficiency resulting the building materials and fuels (for example, glucose = glucose) contained in the food can not be channeled into the body cells. The parties must therefore lifetime several times a day insulin injections to adjust the blood glucose possible purposefully. This serious sequel of nerves and blood vessels can be largely prevented.

Gestational diabetes

(At about 5% of all pregnancies)

The term gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes, GDM or Type 4 Diabetes) refers to a disorder of glucose utilization with initial diagnosis during pregnancy. Even slightly elevated blood glucose levels are associated with high risks for mother and child.

From obesity with the metabolic syndrome to diabetes

The combination of conditions such as overweight / obesity, high blood pressure, fat and carbohydrate metabolic disorders called metabolic syndrome. Disease comes before family frequently and affects more than 60% of people with type 2 diabetes. In addition to these metabolic changes often other disorders such as chronic diseases, among others the cardiovascular system, the lungs and neural degenerative diseases.

Type 2 Diabetes

(About 95% of all diabetes cases)

In this disease of civilization the action of insulin is reduced in the body cells, and there is also a lack of insulin. This disease is extremely complex and is evident in varying degrees of insulin resistance and deficiency. Type 2 diabetes or the precursor (elevated fasting blood glucose and / or impaired glucose utilization) are häufi g linked to other problems of the metabolic syndrome. This type of diabetes is associated to more than 80% with obesity (obesity).
What is Diabetes? What is Diabetes? Reviewed by Unknown on 2/22/2016 Rating: 5

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